BOB Magazine – No. 169

Bob Magazine, a South Korean publication, includes rich content focusing on global designers. This is an innovative interior design journal with a portfolio style, written in both English and Korean, and targets the global market. BTD projects are featured on both the front and back cover, table of contents and over two dozen pages of project details featuring BTDs hospitality, hotel, restaurant and nightclub designs. Below is an excerpt from the magazine.


To view the full BOB magazine feature click here or view below (full screen option).

“Bigtime Design Studios is a creative group that is not bound to a definite way. They create a style that will last a long time in people’s memories that are active in various fields such as restaurants, hotels and nightclubs by applying each of the necessary elements that are separated by space usage. In addition, they try to include the story in space to create exclusive uniqueness and atmosphere for each project and to draw reaction. Among them, the appearance of decorating the entrance wall is remarkable while the old fashioned accessories are harmoniously combined. And it offers intense visual effects with antique elements, customized lighting and colorful graffiti all over the place, and it also shows a unique space that reveals the sensitivity of Bigtime Design Studios. By contrast, welcomes people with an extremely comfortable and natural appearance. The lobby is designed with planned pattern, configuration and recycled materials to allow local feeling. Their performance is very anticipated who wish to meet the needs of the clients and add value to every project.


Bigtime Design Studios deals with various fields of design including interior, branding and logo design. Is there particular reason or purpose that you have started with these various design? We believe that design driven concepts are akin to a great book. They should be savored one page at a time. When we create a concept we begin with what is sounds like, not what it looks like. When we can articulate what the story is only then can we design the process with which the pieces all start to make sense. By incorporating all facets of the design process, including branding and identity we can control the brands message through the entire process.”