In the early 2000s, we began to see a everywhere films scroll behind the DJ’s. then came time for VJ’s, who were mixing live images hypnotically. Today, nobody wants to dance all between four white walls. Mapping, LED, AV systems are everywhere, sometimes totally immersive, like the last Amon Tobin tour for his album ISAM. In addition to concerts and festivals, clubs wish now have permanent facilities. The Showcase is such redo all its decoration, with the help of architects cent.15. Heineken Green Room has met two years ago a forty designers who imagine the club of tomorrow. The result was presented at the Milan Design Week, Green Room and handed it to the Lounge the future this year. In Paris, the NYX Visual Studio realized the design Panic Room and Badaboum, or the insured scenography tour Visionquest, the label house of Seth Troxler and Ryan Crosson. Max Coisne says scenography in nightclubs is a well established trend. ” We have a lot world that asks us to redo clubs. People expect to see something other than empty room with a DJ at the bottom. The DJ’s are quite interested by such techniques and often they will have very specific ideas of what they want. Audiovisual shows allow touch a wider audience on another niche the album cover or flyer. experience is not only music, set design brings an extra dimension and allows create a special moment.

A Nous Paris – Bigtime Design Studios featuring Callin Fortis

A Nous Paris – Bigtime Design Studios featuring Callin Fortis

A Nous Paris – Bigtime Design Studios featuring Callin Fortis
We must consider the architecture of the place and the potential course people confirms Max Coisne. Badaboum for example, the structure LED was the only lighting in the room. Before to install it, so we studied traffic in the club and defined areas of interest for it to be the most effective, as front of the stage, where people dance. In Timewarp to Visionquest was wanted to occupy the entire room to create a kind temple with an immersive scenography which everything anyone can enjoy. Mapping, a technology that can project light or videos on large volumes, appears to hold the rope in designers. ” It’s a average outstanding term for designers. This is the same experience as attending a fire Fireworks, “according Callin Fortis.
Yet mapping starts to fade in favor LED, “which is back in force. The trend is to couple these technologies with robotics, with kinetic art. intelligent winches are used, that make shifting scenery. We even disturb more the vision of the spectator with optical illusions. ” But it’s not just technology that makes a club differs from others. At Gatecrasher, Callin Fortis has installed “kissing booths” “small recessed corners where couples could arise for kissing. “It is these little things that make we remember one evening. A light show 200 000 dollars will put you in the eyes, but in the end, these are smaller things you will remember. I grew up with Cirque du Soleil and Broadway shows. Sometimes just a broom and a well-lit stool for successful design.
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